1662熱蘭遮城被攻破 國姓爺的歷史

一六六一年三月二十三日,國姓爺的海上部隊,從今天福建省廈門港出發,他的海上武力包含百艘以上的「戎克船」,以及各式大小不一的戰艦,載著二萬五千人的 戰士與水手,往台灣方向進擊。第二天就抵達澎湖群島,留下一個守備部隊,三月三十日,大軍又開拔往台灣,四月二日抵達台南的大員,走一條荷蘭人不知道的安 平淺水道,在大員海灣走鹿耳門港入台南。
The assault force immediately laid siege to Fort Provintia, catching Valentyn unprepared since the fort was supposedly protected by Fort Zeelandia; facing overwhelming enemy forces, Valentyn surrendered the fort on April 4. Three days after the capture of Fort Provintia, Koxinga's troop surrounded Fort Zeelandia and demanded the garrison's surrender by sending Dutch priest Anthonius Hambroek, who had been captured (together with his wife and daughter) by Koxinga's forces, as emissary to persuade the garrison to surrender. Hambroek, however, urged the garrison to resist instead of surrender, and was executed after returning to Koxinga's camp. Koxinga ordered his artillery to advance and used 28 cannon to bombard the fort.
國姓爺一擊成功,再攻入赤崁樓,目標是駐守的長官,范勒丁,該主官認定,熱蘭遮城有穩固防衛而掉以輕心,不料大軍壓境。四月四日,范勒丁投降,三天後國姓 爺部隊包圍熱蘭遮城,鄭成功對城堡內的荷蘭軍招降,且派出已經被鄭氏軍隊俘虜的荷蘭籍牧師,安東尼.杭柏克(Anthonius Hambroek).以及牧師的妻、女,一起入熱蘭遮城當招降的說客。杭柏克牧師不僅不招降,反而敦促荷蘭守備軍負隅頑抗,因此,杭柏克回鄭氏軍隊後,被 處決示眾。國姓爺下令砲兵進擊,二十八門加農砲攻打熱蘭遮城。
Koxinga's fleet then began massive bombardment, and troops on the ground attempted to storm the fort, but were repulsed with considerable losses. Koxinga then changed his tactics and laid siege to the fort.
On May 28, news of the siege reached Jakarta, and the company decided to send a fleet of 10 ships and 700 sailors to relieve the fort. The fleet arrived on July 5 and had some small scale confrontations with Koxinga's fleet upon its arrival.
On July 23, the two sides gave battle as the Dutch fleet attempted to break the blockade while Koxinga's fleet tried to hold off the Dutch. After a brief engagement, the Dutch fleet was forced to retreat with two ships sunk, three smaller vessels captured, and 130 casualties. The Dutch attempted to break the siege again in October, but were beaten back by the besieging army. This victory, coupled with news of low morale among the garrison from deserted German mercenaries, convinced Koxinga to launch a final assault in December
到五月二十八日,熱蘭遮城被圍城一個多月消息傳回印尼雅加達的荷蘭東印度公司總部,公司派遣十艘船、七百將士要來台南馳援,解救圍城。七月五日,印尼的救 兵到台南,與鄭氏軍隊,小規模交戰,七月二十三日,雙方大開戰,荷蘭援軍要解救圍城,國姓爺部隊要困住熱蘭遮城。短暫交戰,荷蘭艦被擊沈兩艘,三艘小船被 俘虜,一百三十名戰士陣亡,荷蘭東印度公司的援軍被迫退兵;十月,荷蘭援軍再度企圖解救圍城,但是仍被圍城的國姓爺部隊擊退。加上軍情傳來,熱蘭遮城內士 氣低落,因為被圍攻數個月,已經有城內的德國傭兵厭戰,更加強化鄭成功在十二月冬季時候,下令對城堡進行最後致命一擊。
According to Frederick Coyett's account written after the siege to absolve himself of the Dutch defeat, in January 1662, a Dutch defector named Hans Jurgen Radis of Stockaert gave Koxinga critical advice on how to capture the fortress from a redoubt whose strategic importance had went hitherto unnoticed by the Chinese forces. He strongly advised him against visiting the overrun ramparts, which he knew would be blown up by the retreating Dutch forces. Koxinga followed his advice and the Dutch redoubt fell a day later. This claim of a Dutch defector only appears in Coyett's account and Chinese records make no such mention of any defector.
熱蘭遮城最後被鄭是攻破,關鍵在荷蘭的叛將提供城堡致命關鍵給國姓爺。根據一六六二年一月,荷蘭當時領導熱蘭遮城的東印度公司派在台江據點的「長官」 (governor)是佛德列.考耶(Fredeick Coyett)城破戰敗被俘後,自贖的記敘指出,叛將名為漢斯尤根藍迪(Hans Jurgen Radis of Stockaert),他提供關鍵軍情給國姓爺,如何從守軍的小堡壘處攻破城池,此處乃熱蘭遮城的策略要害,一直為鄭成功的軍隊所忽視;漢斯還強力勸阻國 姓爺不要再攻打已經圍攻數月不下的主要壁壘,鄭成功聽從其獻策,關鍵小堡壘果然一天就攻破,不過,關於「荷蘭內奸」漢斯的歷史記敘,只見於佛德列.考耶的 單方面回憶記敘,中國的史書完全沒有記載。
On January 12, 1662, Koxinga's fleet began another bombardment, while the ground force prepare to assault the fort. With supplies dwindling and no sign of reinforcement, Coyett finally ordered the hoisting of the white flag and negotiated the surrender terms. The surrender was made complete on February 1, and the remaining Dutch East India Compagny ( Dutch: VOC ) personnel left Taiwan on February 17. All personnel were allowed to take with them their personal belongings, as well as provisions sufficient for them to reach the nearest Dutch settlement.
一六六二年一月十二日,國姓爺對荷蘭進行又一輪猛火炮擊,軍隊也要直接強攻進入城內,隨著城內彈盡援絕,糧食吃盡,後續補給無法入城,佛德列.考耶終於下 令舉白旗投降,開始談判投降條約。二月一日,投降議約完成,二月十七日,荷蘭東印度公司所有人員撤離台灣,允許帶走所有個人財物與補給品,直到抵達下一個 荷蘭在東亞的據點為止。
After the Siege of Zeelandia, Koxinga took Dutch missionary Antonius Hambroek’s teenage daughter as a concubine. Other Dutch women were sold to Chinese soldiers to become their wives. In 1684 some of these Dutch wives were still captives of the Chinese.
拿下熱蘭遮城後,國姓爺將荷蘭牧師安東尼.杭柏克(Anthonius Hambroek)的十六歲女兒,納為妾,其餘荷蘭女子賣與中國兵士為妻,到了一六八四年,有些這次圍城被俘虜的荷蘭女子,仍滯留中國為奴。




