梅鐸 傳 迪士尼總經理 依格 Bob Iger

梅鐸 迪斯尼總經理


美國時代雜誌每年選出一百位世界影響力人物,最近除了大陸央視記者柴靜因為霧霾的紀錄片入選這100大之外,我最有興趣的,是爭議人物,出身澳洲入籍美國曾經娶了中國虎妻鄧文迪的 梅鐸, 這八十歲老先生來寫迪士尼的CEO依格先生


BOB 梅鐸如此暱稱這位同屬媒體大亨,而下面我從TIME全文照錄的短文,除了代表梅鐸的代筆文膽的文筆真的是一流外,也讓我觀察到幾個有趣的點




2順便損了迪士尼是萬年都鼓吹家庭價值的老保守派,結果保守歸保守,仍有 ESPN運動台和其他皮克斯卡通公司的意外紅盤,寫到此,梅鐸的司馬昭之心路人皆知.


3讀了這些,名人傳名人的世界百大,我終於了解我幹了快三十年的記者,這一行業,還真是 影響力的行業, 梅鐸傳迪士尼,真虧時代華納公司想得出來


夠惡毒,這無異於: 王金平辦的媒體,請宋楚瑜來寫馬英九.你看這比喻還恰當否?以下,是全文照錄音TIME


Bob Iger

 Mogul Mouseketeer



By  Rupert Murdoch


Inheriting a legendary brand is both a burden and blessing. Bod Iger could have been haunted by the past, but he has instead created a powerhouse for the company’s future, diversifying the portfolio and yet not traducing the tradition.


Hollywood is full of what are loosely called “characters”, a term that is somethimes merely a lousy excuse for bad behavior. But Bob is a thoughtful leader and an earnest individual, decent and dignified, farsighted and focused.


The common theme running throughout the Disney businesses is family—whether it’s movies, television shows, theme parks, Broadway shows or cruises. They are beautifully and successfully integrated businesses. And there is no doubt ESPN is a juggernaut.


Hollywood blinked when Bob spent $ 15 billion on Pixar, Lucas film and Marvel. But they turned out to be great and logically investments that have kept Disney on the front foot. Under Bob, Disney is hardly Frozen in time.


Murdoch is the executive chairman of News Corp. and chairman and CEO of 21st Century Fox.






